
The organization officially began May 22, 1922 with the formation of the Welfare League of Coleman. The group was formed as a coalition of businessmen, churches and civic minded individuals to investigate and supply relief to the growing number of unfortunates among the Coleman area.
Many of these “unfortunates” were deemed as imposters and criminals who worked their wiles at the expense of the generosity of others. Others were found to be considered worthy of such aid as might be possible and usually given in the form of food, lodging, train ticket, or medical attention.
In the beginning there were delegates on the Board of Directors from the Methodist, Presbyterian, Christian, Baptist, Episcopal, and Catholic churches. The organization became incorporated with the State of Texas for the purpose of public charity and charitable undertakings for the City of Coleman and County of Coleman , Texas . The League adapted through the years to meet whatever problem was of greatest need in the community.
“The Empty Stocking Fund” was set up to place toys and goodies in stockings and distribute to poor needy children. In 1924 they purchased the home of an elderly gentleman and took care of him there until his death. They also used this home to board children that lived too far from school to walk each day so that they could attend school.
In 1928, it was decided to establish a Bureau of Employment in an effort to find work for the needy and prepare them for a job on their own. During the 1930′s much of the care was given over to the needs of children. At one time they had 17 orphan and neglected children at the home. As this was going on it was found necessary to care for a few old men until more and more, the children began to be crowded out.
So it seems that caring for the aged was more by accident than design. The home would accept the elderly patients’ government pension of usually $15 to $20 dollars to help provide for their primary needs but relied heavily on donations and giftings of the community members. As the need grew, the facilities had to grow through expansion projects. As the size grew, so had government regulation grown to shape the way in which the elderly were cared for. In 1977 the name of the corporation was officially changed to Holiday Hill, Inc.
Because of the diligent efforts of these historic pioneers and outstanding citizens such as Clyde “Tommy” Allen, Holiday Hill now cares for a near capacity of 97 residents in a debt free building. This organization is a major part of Coleman’s economy by providing valuable jobs to an average of 125 people per month. The payroll alone in 2009 amounted to $1,780,000.00 which affords a lot of families to support themselves to live in Coleman.
We also support local vendors such as hardware, grocery and pharmacy by purchasing supplies and services whenever we can. One time in the past Holiday Hill was able to keep our local hospital from being closed by gifting just under $200,000.00. We all owe a huge debt of gratitude to men like Tommy Allen who saw this organization through some tough times and made our community a better, stronger, safer place to call home. And in 2010, we made good on that debt by honoring the Allen Family with the naming of The Clyde D. and Doris Allen Memory Care Center.
For more information about Holiday Hill and The Allen Center, please contact us.